J. Drahoš (Congress Chairman, President of the Czech Society of Chemical Engineering)
P. Klusoň (Congress Vice-Chairman)
I. Wichterle (Chairman of Scientific Committee)
Z. Boháčová (Chairwoman of Organizing Committee)
P. Stehlík (Vice President of the Czech Society of Chemical Engineering)
H. Feise (President of the European Federation of Chemical Engineering – EFCE)
M. Alger (President of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers – AIChE)
B. Böck (Editor-in-Chief of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Wiley – VCH)
The prominent roles of the Congress Advisory Board cover the formation of the conference programme, nomination and selection of the keynote speakers, seeking and ensuring the high scientific quality of the accepted contributions, and distributing them according the sections scopes and forms of presentation.
J. Aubincano (FR), H. J. Bart (DE), D. Bogle (UK), T. Brányik (CZ), Z. Bubník (CZ), P. Čapek (CZ), J.G. Crespo (PT), L. Čurda (CZ), F. Debaste (BE), E. Drioli (IT), H. Feise (DE), J. Hanika (CZ), P. Holzhauser (CZ), M. Houška (CZ), P. Izák (CZ), M. Jahoda (CZ), J. Kosek (CZ), J. Levec (SI), G. Montante (IT), A. Muramatsu (JP), V.D. Nichita (FR), T. Noel (NL), H.J. Pasman (NL), N.I. Pecherkin (RU), M. Poletto (IT), A. Ramírez Gómez (ES), R. Pohorecki (PL), F. Rejl (CZ), E. Šárka (CZ), O. Šolcová (CZ), K. Sora (DE), K. Soukup (CZ), H. Sovová (CZ), A. Stankiewicz (NL), P. Stanovský (CZ), P. Stavárek (CZ), T. Svěrák (CZ), M. Šyc (CZ), J. Tříska (CZ), T. Van Gerven (BE), P. Zámostný (CZ), M. Zedníková (CZ).
If you only wish to be informed on Congress news or if you later wish to submit a paper please fill in the Congress Application Form. You will receive a personal password, which will give you an access to your personal user pages.
Contributions will be presented as keynote lectures, lectures, or posters. As lectures, preferably papers with a wider scope or importance should be submitted. Authors should indicate the preferred form of presentation but the Congress Advisory Board reserves the right to make the final decision. The Congress language is English.
Application for presentation of a paper must be submitted only with use of the Congress Application Form. First, please register yourself at the Application Form page. After filling the PERSONAL DATA FORM you will receive a password which would entitle you to handle your congress agenda. If you already have the password from the registration for CHISA 2020 you may retain it and use it as fully functional for CHISA Virtually 2021.
Every application must be accompanied by max. 2 pages long summary in English (observe kindly instructions for its preparation below) uploaded with the interactive application form. Application form without summary will not be considered. The summary should be comprehensive and suitable for reviewing by members of the Congress Advisory Board. The deadline for the submission of application for oral presentation is 15 January 2021. Later applications for oral presentation will be considered exceptionally. Posters may be accepted up to 15 January 2021.
It is highly recommended that submission of a contribution is made by the author who will present it. Presenting author is kindly asked for additional personal files, which would accompany the presentation. These are namely a photo (not less than 4x4 cm) and a rather short CV: one paragraph listing in brief education, employment, specialization, achievements etc. or alternatively the address of personal web site. These two files can also be uploaded together with the summary (or later); however, they are not obligatory.
Every author will receive an e-mail message confirming the receipt of the application. Notification about the final acceptance of CHISA contributions will be sent in February 2021.
Important note: One oral and two poster presentations are only allowed for one registered (and paid) participant due to time limitations.
All submitted contributions will be displayed on the CHISA website (please allow some time since this is processed manually), and those who have passed a formal check will be marked. In any case, it will be possible for the corresponding author to modify her/his summary based on the personal login password. List of Accepted Papers will be continuously updated up to the deadline in February 2021.
At least one of the authors must register as a participant and settle her/his registration fee before 15 January 2021 otherwise the paper will not be included in the program. Author may update the original summary at any time via her/his user page before 15 January 2021. It is assumed that the original title of the contribution will not be considerably modified.
The summary must be prepared with any version of the MS-Word editor (as *.docx or *.doc) on maximum two pages of A4 size (297x210 mm) with all margins equal to 25 mm. The single spaced text should be typed in Times New Roman font. Please, start at the top of page with the title of your contribution (non-capitalised, left aligned, bold, size 14 pts.); for a title, maximum of 150 characters including spaces is allowed. Skip two lines below title and type the author’s name(s) in the following order: initial(s), surname (font size 12 pt., left aligned). Underline the name of the author delivering the paper. On the next line, enter the affiliations of authors with full postal address; telephone, fax, and e-mail connections are desirable (12 pt., left aligned).
Then, skip two lines and begin your summary text: single-spaced, justified, non-bold, 12 pts., Times New Roman. You can locate any text, equations, figures, references, etc. within the area available.
An example of summary is available in MS-Word template.
Please follow all the instructions very carefully to achieve the formal appearance of a summary as closely as possible to this template. Regrettably, most of preliminary summaries usually do not comply with these instructions. Therefore, they must be formally re-edited by the Scientific Committee, which does not bear responsibility for possible changes ensuing from such reformatting. Every author is responsible for the quality and content of her/his summary. The summary not meeting the above requirements will not be accepted and the author will be notified.
Technical Information for Virtual Lectures
All Lectures will be held in a virtual format through Zoom on the CHISA Virtually 2021 website. The time for Lectures (orals) is 20 minutes. Strict timekeeping will be essential for the smooth running of the meeting. Lectures must be presented in English.
For the CHISA Virtually 2021 we prefer live lectures in order to enable interactive scientific discussion. We will schedule the lectures of Asian/Australian authors in the morning and the lectures of American authors in the afternoon, so that all authors can hold their lectures during European day time hours. For the case that you are absolutely not available, an advance recording of your lecture may be a possibility. Please contact us if an advance recording is required.
A rehearsal of the presenting authors will be arranged 30 minutes before the start of each lecture block to check the audio and video facilities.
If you wish, you can upload your presentation slides in advance of the congress (without deadline). Please login to your account, open your submission and use the ‘Presentation Upload’ link in order to upload your slides.
A special introduction and rehearsal meeting will be available for all presenting authors on Monday, 8 March at 10:30 via the Zoom.
Passcode 372232
Webinar-ID: 966 7194 4796
International dial-in numbers:
If you miss the authors webinar and wish to learn more about the CHISA Virtually 2021, you can watch the record of the meeting.
Preparation and Presentation of Virtual Posters
Each poster presentation will be displayed on a poster stand within the virtual congress. Your poster stand will display your poster title, the presenting author, the abstract, and the poster file. You also have the option of adding a single web link to your poster stand (YouTube video/demonstration, publication link, LinkedIn/Xing bio, etc). Also, your contact email will be available to the visitors for communication. A chat tool ( will be implemented, so that you will be able to communicate with interested colleagues (further information will follow). We will use the submitting person’s contact details for display of contact information.
File format: PDF (one page only - multiple pages not allowed)
File orientation: 1080x1920 pixels (portrait)
Resolution: 72 - 300 dpi
Maximum file size: 10 MB
Optional: Additional web link to your reference, e.g. Facebook, Twitter etc.
Please login to your account, open your submission and use the ‘Presentation Upload’ link in order to upload your poster. For inclusion of your poster in the CHISA Virtually, we need your poster file and additional information not later than 15 January 2021. For belated submissions we cannot guarantee that the layout of your virtual poster booth can be adapted accordingly.
The poster will be visible during the whole conference. The opportunities to discuss the posters are during the virtual poster sessions (the exact date will be available soon). The authors are expected to be available for chat during the virtual poster session.
If you agree to publish your contact details, registered participants can also send you their requests by email or visit your preferred weblink (e.g. Xing, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, your website etc.). Please be informed, that your account for the chat during the poster session will be set up approx. 1 month before the congress:
- You will receive an email invitation. Please follow the dashboard link and be so kind to create your account at
- Please familiarise yourself with the chat features.
- On the day of the virtual poster session, please login to your account in advance of the virtual poster session and stay logged in, so that you can receive chat requests.
Final Confirmation of Participation
Please be so kind to help us with scheduling the program for the CHISA Virtually 2021 by confirming your participation. For this purpose, please login to your account, open each submission and confirm that you are willing to deliver your lecture or to present your poster.
Registration of Presenter
A registration of the presenting author for the CHISA Virtually is mandatory for each accepted contribution. The deadline for registration of presenting author is 15 January 2021. If the presenting author has not registered, the presentation will be withdrawn from the program.
No full papers from the CHISA Virtually 2021 will be published except for the Congress Special Issue of Chemical Engineering and Technology.
All previously registered participants are strongly advised to confirm their presentations as soon as possible , as indicated in the already circulated letter.
- The deadline for additional oral presentations is 15 January 2021.
- The deadline for poster presentations is 15 February 2021.
- Accepted lectures and posters in sections will be listed by 20 February 2021 following recommendations of members of the Congress Advisory Board.
- At least one of the authors must register as a participant before 15 January 2021 and settle her/his registration fee by 15 January 2021 otherwise the paper will not be included in the program. Before 15 February 2021 the early registration fee applies.
- Author may update the original summary at any time via her/his user page before 15 January 2021. It is assumed that the original title of the contribution will not be considerably modified.
Early registration before 15 February 2021 / late registration after 15 February 2021 | 290 / 320 EUR |
PhD and other students before 15 February 2021/ after 15 February 2021 | 220 / 250 EUR |
Accompanying person - this type of registration fee is not possible | |
Exhibition booth at MARCHES 2021 (two registration fee included) |
1500 EUR |
(The fee includes 21 % VAT.)
Authors pay the same registration fee as participants without contribution.
At least one of the authors must register for participation before 15 January 2021 to obtain an invoice for payment of registration fee.
This invoice must be paid in due time (by 15 January 2021). Be aware that the application for a paper presentation does not represent automatically the registration of a participant. The registration form is available here.
The registration fee will be refunded (with a deduction of 10 % to cover the handling costs) if participation in the Congress is cancelled in writing before 25 February 2021. No refund will be granted after this date.
No accommodation is needed in 2021 🙂
MARCHES 2021 Virtually – the MARket of CHemical Engineering and Services will also take place during the CHISA 2021 Virtually. The preview of the exhibition booth will be available soon.
Organizing Committee
Postal address: CHISA Congress, Novotného lávka 5, 116 68 Prague 1, Czech Republic